Ubuntu-my Community t-shirt Final Design

Due to limited time we have for printing, please note that the design have changed to meet printer restrictions in order to get this t-shirt printed before 31st May 2009 and be ready for MSC Open Source Conference 2009.

Update!! This is NOT the final design. Check the Final Design Here!!!

So, this is the final design:

~ Pocket Side ~

~ Sleeve ~

~ Back ~

~ Final t-shirt preview ~

:: Designed in Inkscape + GIMP ::

The price is RM50 per t-shirt (I wish I could get it cheaper but I can only find this printer and we are in hurry). You can still do your pre-order now using this form before 20/5/2009 8:00AM (Malaysian Time). Hurry up guys!!

Update!! This is NOT the final design. Check the Final Design Here!!!


afaniL said…
haih, nak sesangat pegi tapi ada kenduri kawin.

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