Great Drawing Tutorial Collection by EclecticAsylum - Part II

This is the continuation of Great Drawing Tutorial Collection by EclecticAsylum - Part I. In these episodes, Jason will teach you about the drawing tools to draw portraits and the basic knowledge to know.

This Episode covers graphite drawing pencils and the kneaded eraser. Jason have prepared some exercise for you to start learning to draw portraits. Get the practice exercises here...

Learn to Draw Portraits - Ep.3A Graphite & Eraser

Learn to Draw Portraits - Ep.3B Graphite & Eraser

Learn to Draw Portraits - Ep.4A Sketching

I will continue adding the other parts tomorrow... so, stay tune!

update: I have to remove and split the tutorial to 3 videos per post due to limitation of some browser which cannot load all the videos. Sorry for the inconvenient. Just stay tune and you'll get all videos here


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