KOSTEM Logo Design Finalized

I didn't follow KOSTEM Mailing List much since I was so busy working offline on sites. So, I heard that they finally decided to use my logo design as the official KOSTEM logo. So, as promised, here is the Inkscape source file for the logo.

Hope you like it. For those who would like to use my Logo & Branding Design Service, please comment here and leave your contact information. I will contact you as soon as I receive your message.


B Hunter said…
Nice. Since KOSTEM is a business model, we should protect our rights for the intelectual properties. My opinion, we should register logo as trademark sign, as well as other stuff; motto, etc.
ApOgEE said…
Yes MakLaN, KOSTEM should protect them. We should have KOSTEM officially exists (registered) first, and then we register the logo, as well as other stuff.
Anonymous said…
Congrats! Way to go guys! Hopefully 2011 will bring you prosperity & more good health & wealth.
How about buy me a prosperity burger..;)
ApOgEE said…
Thanks Annahm... Come to my place and I'll buy u the Prosperity burger.. hehehe ;)

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