Cameron Diaz on pencil

This time, I'm still with my pencil sketch practice. But with a little more serious because I want to check my improvement in pencil drawings. I have done some BCD (Blind Contour Drawing) and CD (Contour Drawing) to improve my skill. Thanks to Takara for his advice on BCD and CD. However, I'm not going to post my BCD and CD sketch because I don't like how they look... but here is my Cameron Diaz sketch.

Cameron Diaz Sketch
Cameron Diaz is one of my favorite popular celebrity. I refer this sketch from one of her celebrity pictures collection available on the internet. I don't remember the link because I found it already in my archive.

I choose the reference picture because of her hairstyles. I want to challenge myself for details of her hair and also with the water elements. If you noticed the water in this sketch, then I can say that was some improvement on me because it's real hard for me to draw realistic water surfaces. Another bonus this time is the making of Cameron Diaz sketch photos.

The making of Cameron Diaz Sketch

Hope you like it. And before I'm closing, feel free to check out Cameron Diaz DVD on Amazon here. And hope you enjoy them too because I do...

Thats all for now. Feel free to leave your comments here because I love to hear all your voice out there about my amateur drawing and hope that I can improve with more support from all of you, the fellow readers of ArtOfApOgEE blog.


emilayusof said…
Hi Apogee! What an excellent drawing! You're really great at this!
jafabrit said…
At first I thought the water was gauze and I am thinking it was really good. I still think so because gauze like water has a fluid and difficult quality to capture. You certainly set yourself a challenge there. I love how you did her hair.
ApOgEE said…
Emila Yusof : Thank you!
jafabrit : I see... maybe the texture isn't perfect enough and make it looks like gauze. I'll try to improve it then. Thanks for the comment anyway.
ORAET said…
Salam bra.
Wahhh jahat la ko ni skrg..
makin mantap karya pensil ko..
aku gak yg xde pluang la ni nak sketch..

aku link blog ko ni bra..
Unknown said…
Superb! My friend!

Sorry if im posting in the wrong section but i wish if you were able to highlight your blog on Google with SEo tips. I dont see you implement any of those basics even on the blog. Would you like to?

Meanwhile, gorgeous sketches there - how do you manage them?

Marvellous - keep them coming.

ApOgEE said… : Thanks dude! aku pun dah add link ke blog ko jugak.
.::[ Mani Karthik ]::. : Thanks for visiting. I'd love to do SEO on this blog but haven't got enough time to do 'em all. I'll do it slowly. Same like the pencil sketch, I'm doing it slowly too... There are more to come! feel free to check in again. ;D
Anonymous said…
I love this drawing, your pencil work is excellent.
ApOgEE said…
Thank you pencilwizard, your colored pencil work is excellent too. Way much more excellent. ;D
jafabrit said…
Not sure you should try to improve it, it looks lovely, just that I misread it at first. I think as it is if you didn't tell us that it was water, it has a bit of a ethereal quality.
jafabrit said…
ps. I just realized you have me on your sidebar links. thankyou. I will add yours to mine if that's okay.
ApOgEE said…
jafabrit : Thanks to you too. I love to keep linking my blog to other Art blogs where I regularly visit.
ajinda said…
nice sketch ( sketch ke? dah pawee tahap dewa 19 ni ). aku baru je belajar contour drawing, BCD belum lagi. anyway, trimas kerna sudi melawat blog aku yg tak seberapa tu. :D
Anonymous said…
the drawing is so nice and detailed! are you taking an art class? i wish i have a creative hand just like yours =)
ApOgEE said…
ajinda : Thanks dude! Ko pun dasat gak. Beza BCD ngan CD ni, BCD tu takyah tengok kertas lukisan je.
kaklong : Thanks KakLong.. I had never took any art classes. I learned arts from friends, books and internet. Drawing is my hobby. You can do it too! It's a matter of practice makes perfect.
Anonymous said…
highly detailed rendering.

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