ApOgEE is Blogging Again

My previous last post in this blog is in 2013. Therefore, it is been 6 years that I didn't write anything on this blog. Perhaps all of my fellow readers and followers of this blog have already forgotten that this blog still exists. I would like to confess that I did lost interest in blogging and writing in 2013 due to my busy schedule of business and screen printing. But the good news is... now I'm back. And I hope this time I can share more stuff about arts that I'm working on. You may ask, what I'm doing while not blogging? Did I stop doing arts? The answer is YES, I'm still doing arts. It's just I didn't update this blog. I've been doing printmaking arts. I'm doing silkscreen printing business. So for those who wanted to catch up what was happening with my arts since 2013 until now, you may visit APOGEEK Instagram Page . Perhaps, all those pictures may have your answers. Otherwise, you may post your comments on this blog. And I hope...