SKA is Back In Town

I took the original image of this drawing somewhere from internet and I don't know who is the original artists who made this. I like SKA and I redraw this using Inkscape.

Here is the Inkscape Vector graphic of this drawing. Download SVG


tattoofetti said…
artist name is fetti aka tattoofetti...i drew this back in days as poster art for my band "me in the bucket" and "the special guest" concert we played in duesseldorf germany...special guest was at that time on ther toxic tour thats whay i drew the 100% toksic ska on the botle.nice to see that peopel reuse that drawing...keep it rollin brothers and sisters!ska is allmaighty!
ApOgEE said…
Wow, it's my pleasure to meet u here tattoofetti! Finally, I found the original artist of this drawing. Thanks for visiting & commenting my blog. Yeah, keep on skankin mate!

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