SamTriggy - Rising Force on Oud

Sorry for no update in this blog due to my heavy workload lately. But today, I can't resist to post this video. I've been following Samtriggy news for years. He is a Malay guy who can play 3 Guitar simultaneously using his Guitar Tapping technique. Seriously, he is one of my motivation to practice guitar by myself in my free time. But I'm still at beginner level... heheh

In this awesome video, he is playing Oud or Gambus in Malay. And this song called, Rising Force... Enjoy!!

Hope to see more from him soon...


jafabrit said…
oh boy, wish I could play the guitar, his playing is beautiful.
Anonymous said…
Pooh! This guy is a gift from the gods! He is better than Lim Chong Wei getting RM3,000 for life! I'd put him up there in the Musicians Noted by National Geographic class.

Someone should recommend him to Umno or PKR to compose album after album to make up the Malaysian New Age Musical Heritage before DAP, Michael Chong or even some Singapore based music company adopts him as their darling boy as has happened to Awang Goneng.

Do you know any of those big boys with big money? Bring this Oud boy to their notice. And for god sake, change the name Oud to something else before somebody make fun of it if it has not already happened!

Call him Brambus of the Gambus or something!

Seen my list of favourite songs at zveloyak.blogspot? I'm putting him on my list but I don't know if what you put here is a private recording or he is already a famous musician with album/s to his name and I'm the one who is living in the caves!
Anonymous said…
Sorry, his name is samtriggy. But all my previous comments still apply.
Anonymous said…
Alright, I'm eating humble pie. All previous comments I hereby now withdraw! Oud is a pearshaped lute, Samtriggy is Az Samad, son of Samad Said and his musical creds read like a Who's Who. I was the one living in the Cave (I don't even deserve to refer it to the Quranic surah of the the same name!)
ApOgEE said…
Heheh... Sam Triggy is a friend of a friend of mine in Segamat. I used to went out jamming with my friend who is good in playing drums. And he also play with Sam Triggy (His real name is Hisham) when Sam went back to Segamat. The 'Triggy' nickname comes from his skills on playing 3 guitar simultaneously.

As what I heard from my friend, Sam is actively composing songs for television company here in Malaysia. He don't have any album and I don't think he will in the nearest future. But I can't really predict that...

Thanks for reading my blog!!
Anonymous said…
but the person in the video looks like Az Samad? Who is it now, Az or Hisam (Sam)?
Anonymous said…
Sorry to kacau you again! Actually for a long time now I've been trying to remember the name of an African (maybe African-American) group who sing a song with the following chorus " ... aiyo biya-eh, aiyo biya-eh ... "

I wonder if you happen to know them.
ApOgEE said…
Owh, no problem.. :D

The guy who play the Oud is Hisham a.k.a SamTriggy.

Anyway, I don't remember that chorus from African band or African-American band. I have some collections of reggae songs on my Reggae And SKA Blog. I'll tell you and post it there if I found em. ;)

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