Creative Sense In Photography by Chema Madoz

While surfing over the web sphere, I found this cool Photos by Chema Madoz. It is true that Picture worth thousands words. And when you see all the photos by Chema Madoz, you will feel like traveling in the picture with thousands of meanings. Take a look at these photos...

I'm a bit busy right now. Can't write any longer. Feel free to check Chema Madoz website for more. Enjoy...


emilayusof said…
Great photos! Thank you for sharing the link!
Anonymous said…
Hmm, This Chema Madoz reminds me of Andy Warhol and that Spanish whatshisname ... Picasso, and also Dali.

Yea, I'm bookmaarking his webpage.
ApOgEE said…
Wow.. you seems to knew Andy Warhol Pop Arts... I Love em too!

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