Old Sketch 12: Wardina Safiyyah

Wardina Safiyyah is a Malaysian's Popular Celebrity who started the new Islamic style among artists where she refuse to take off her headscarf like other celebrities even for a shampoo tv commercials. Do you want to know how glamor she is with headscarf? When you walk by headscarves shops around Kuala Lumpur or everywhere in Malaysia, you can see headscarves named by her name. They call it "Tudung Wardina" which means "Wardina's Headscarf". She have also started a new style of wearing those headscarves and they call it Wardina's Headscarf Fashion.
Old Sketch: Wardina

This sketch is done with pencil on paper. I didn't like it much because I noticed there is something wrong with the proportion of the nose and face . Anyway, if you want to know more about her, you can check out Wardina Safiyyah's Friendster Pages for news about her.


jafabrit said…
I think not much is wrong with her nose, I wonder if you shaded the tip darker it might help.
ApOgEE said…
Your point of view make me think again. Thanks jafabrit!
jafabrit said…
I think that is a hard angle to do for a nose. I am having a similar problem with my current painting posted on my blog.

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